

I like to think that I don't have an addictive personality. But poppers have become my newest vice. At frist, when I encountered them in bathhouses, I always turned them down. They smelled bad, gave me a headache and as a rule, I don't inhale something if I don't know what it is.

But, curiousity overcame me. And I'll say, I was presently surprised my first whiff. The high, though damn short, was a lot like a cocaine high. Warm and fuzzy and a little disorienting. And it made me want to fuck and be fucked harder.

Now though, I like to have them all the time. Even when I'm just jacking off (which I intend to do as soon as I'm home from school) I need that 45 second boost to get me going. My favorite is Captain Rush (in the yellow bottle), though I've experimented with other brands. This last one I bought, in a green bottle, seriously fucks me up a bit each time I use it. But I like that.

I think this is called addiction.


Unknown said...

yeah baby that's addiction, gotta love it!!

River said...

I do, I do :-)